Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ball commemorating Treason to the King

I am off to New York City, that hotbed of sedition, since I have been invited to a Ball in commemoration of the American Colonies Treasonous Acts against King George. I mean, really, should this be celebrated? I think not. The uniform I will be wearing is sure to raise eyebrows. But any hackles raised will be payback for having to spend an evening being addressed as Bay-sil, especially since Americans seem to be physically unable to use one's surname when addressing one. They will probably try and stick a name tag on me...I feel sorry for the chap who draws that duty. I hope to enjoy myself regaling the colonists with tales of my ancestors as they locked civilians in churches and set them afire. Except the women, at least the young ones that is, for rather obvious reasons. Laughing over tea while they burn of course. Then releasing the dogs and raising their taxes...Oh, those were the days...New York under British rule, seems to have been down hill ever since...

I will be put up at a club, and will rendezvous with my hosts somewhere at some time...I hope to survive, at least long enough to post my report on this colonial shindig...I pray I will be able to find some good port...I hope the Padre is there, he will at least know where they keep the good stuff...Until then...