As someone famous once said: I'm back...

Yes, I am back, and though not necessarily with bells on, back none the less. I had a delightful summer holiday in Blighty and on the continent, and I am in the process of unpacking books and generally getting settled back into life in these, less than united states...I have much scribbled in my trusty Moleskine, which I am waiting, wanting and willing to tell you...So, if you are the patient sort, meaning at least over sixty, I will be with you in a moment. For the rest, you'll have to continue playing with your bean pod, or whatever it is...I will have some things for you all presently, and I will send some of the more highly polished (meaning naughty) ones over to Mrs. P...Oh, the fun we'll have now that I'm here...Until then...
Sir Basil Seal
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