Friday, April 20, 2007

Visit Sir Basil Seal...

As you are well aware, last weekend there was a flying party going on at the House of Seal...Along with Mr. and Mrs. P we were graced with the presence of The Fiendish One of NYC and the good Padre came in for the fun. The Countess was our hostess for the weekend and the Baron played Uncle Fred to Maggie and Thomas...Mr. and Mrs. P are now searching desperately for a good child therapist to correct some new behaviours picked up from the Baron...We had many adventures over the weekend; we had a dinner and dance at the Club, a Garden Party, shooting, golf and actually got some flying in...We dealt with the Midwestern Catholic Women's Padre M. Admiration Society (Co-chaired by the Countess and Mrs. P) all weekend, helped The Fiendish One with Concrete Withdrawal, toured the closet of Sir Basil Seal, tripped the light fantastic with the young women of St. Euphemia of the Five Wounds, dealt with the case of the "dirty books", conducted hit-and-run raids against the kraut eating relatives of the Countess and someone (no names, yet) left vomitus maximus in my aircraft during an Immelmann...And much, much more...Stay tuned, if you will...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hello Nick...

Did you ever see The Thin Man series? In it, Nick Charles marries a very wealthy woman and spends his time thereafter looking after her business interests...Well, I am in that exact situation, minus the sleuthing parts of course...As of late, there has been a flurry of buying and selling which has required me to actually go to the office. I am not happy...Anyway, I have not forgotten my series on our Flying Party...It is in the works and will be out soon in serial form...So, keep checking in...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things at knee level...

I am recovering from my weekend revel, and am busy preparing my manuscript which details the goings-on at Castle Seal and environs...While you wait, and it won't be too long, read about Sir Basil and Mr. P...Quite diaphanous reading...

By the way, a while back I attended the 3rd Birthday Bash for the Hatemonger's Quarterly...(Yes, I was invited) While there, I noticed that there was not a Birkenstock in sight...I have great hopes for the Crack Young Staff...Chip was even sporting double cuffs, although he does have an indifferent tailor or a small trust fund...Needless to say I was proud to be such a good influence on the young folk...Happy Birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, Man About Mayfair turned 1 year old on March 31st and I forgot all about it...Has it been a year already? Time flies, etc. Happy Birthday to me...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends...

It is time...The guests will begin to arrive soon clamoring for attention, and in Mr. P's case, Black Velvet...The guest rooms are in readiness and I must remember to remove the Flashman books from the shelves in the good Padre's room and replace them with Thomas a'Kempis...La Grande Dame is on ice, the oysters are on the half shell, the kegs of Guinness are tapped and the Tiger Moth is prepped and ready...And the Countess has consented to be our hostess for the weekend, against her better judgment I am sure...So, let the festivities commence...I promise to tell you all about it...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Please forgive me...

My Dear reader(s)....Terribly sorry for my absence of late...The Countess has cornered me into actually doing some work the past week or so...Well, I can't hide from her all the time...I am also busy preparing for the flying party I am giving this weekend...Mr. and Mrs. P, The Fiendish One and the good Padre are all scheduled to attend, and I am hoping that the weather will clear a bit...It will, of course, be loads of fun and the oysters are being flown in from the coast (the East one)...I will be publishing full details of all the goings-on next week...So, please stay with me during this busy time, and you will receive your reward...

By the way, I seem to have pulled the proverbial wool over the eyes of Robbo...He need'nt worry though, I did the same thing to the Countess...And remember, it is pronounced "Evilin Waar"...