Visit Sir Basil Seal...

As you are well aware, last weekend there was a flying party going on at the House of Seal...Along with Mr. and Mrs. P we were graced with the presence of The Fiendish One of NYC and the good Padre came in for the fun. The Countess was our hostess for the weekend and the Baron played Uncle Fred to Maggie and Thomas...Mr. and Mrs. P are now searching desperately for a good child therapist to correct some new behaviours picked up from the Baron...We had many adventures over the weekend; we had a dinner and dance at the Club, a Garden Party, shooting, golf and actually got some flying in...We dealt with the Midwestern Catholic Women's Padre M. Admiration Society (Co-chaired by the Countess and Mrs. P) all weekend, helped The Fiendish One with Concrete Withdrawal, toured the closet of Sir Basil Seal, tripped the light fantastic with the young women of St. Euphemia of the Five Wounds, dealt with the case of the "dirty books", conducted hit-and-run raids against the kraut eating relatives of the Countess and someone (no names, yet) left vomitus maximus in my aircraft during an Immelmann...And much, much more...Stay tuned, if you will...