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Wg Cdr Sir Basil Seal, KG GCB GBE MC JP
"...I'd like to meet his Tailor..."
"Why should it matter to us today what Samuel Johnson said to Hester Thrale at a dinner party on an evening in London long ago? As Stephen Miller persuasively argues in his exploration of conversation and its discontents, it matters a good deal. For the 18th century was the golden age of raillery and wit, a time when conversation was practiced as an art. . . . Miller's engaging book is a good place to begin talking about what we think conversation is and should be over a latte, of course." - Barbara Sjoholm, Seattle Times
[A] charming (and alarming) history of conversation as elegantly affable as the conversationalists [Miller] admires. And the measure of his book is that it makes one want to rush out and converse about it. Four o'clock to seven; bring your wits. - Michael Bywater, The Independent
"In the sublime make of David Hume and Dr. Samuel Johnson, Stephen Miller gives us a celebration and elegy for the art of conversation. His work at once enlightens and saddens me, two effects that fuse into one." - Harold Bloom
Upon the death of William's cousin King Edward the Confessor of England (January 1066), William claimed the throne of England, asserting that the childless and purportedly celibate Edward had named him his heir during a visit by William (probably in 1052) and that Harold Godwinson, England's foremost magnate and brother-in-law of the late King Edward the Confessor, had reportedly pledged his support while shipwrecked in Normandy (c. 1064). Harold made this pledge while in captivity and was reportedly tricked into swearing on a saint's bones that he would give the throne to William. Even if this story is true, however, Harold made the promise under duress and so may have felt free to break it. More realistically, by the mid 1050s, Harold was effectively ruling England through the weak King Edward and was unlikely to surrender the throne to a foreign noble.
The assembly of England's leading nobles known as the Witenagemot approved Harold Godwinson’s coronation which took place on January 5, 1066 making him King Harold II of England. In order to pursue his own claim, William obtained the support of the Pope Alexander II for his cause. He assembled a Norman invasion fleet of around 600 ships and an army of 7000 men. He landed at Pevensey in Sussex on September 28, 1066 and assembled a prefabricated wooden castle near Hastings as a base. This was a direct provocation to Harold Godwinson as this area of Sussex was Harold's own personal estate, and William began immediately to lay waste to the land. It may have prompted Harold to respond immediately and in haste rather than await reinforcements in London.
"The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced after the London bombings that it has raised its terror alert from 'Run' to 'Hide.' The only two higher levels in France are 'Surrender' and 'Collaborate.' The rise in the alert level was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively disabling their military."
"French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney. ... The French government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at EuroDisney. The decision comes that day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris, caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists." --AP Paris
"Back in the days when I was an Episcopalian Middle School teacher, my little charges would often ask me how to go about picking out boyfriend. As our parish had not yet completely caved to the you-can-fall-in-love-with-anyone-and-God-will-honor-you-big-time load of tosh posing as new Christian revelation, these were always young ladies asking me the question. The young gentlemen made a beeline to Mr. P for his wisdom on the female persuasion. Anyhoo, I would always issue the girls two standards while assuring them if they held to it, they would be happy women the rest of their lives:
1. Never date a boy who wears a smaller pants size than you.
2. Never date a boy who wears more make-up than you. And yes, hair products and moisturizer count as make-up.
After reading this, I've learned that my advice to my young ladies has stood the test of time and would have served the young ladies of Georgian England if I had been around back then:...""...As we stated above, we must present a few important caveats, if only to lower the number of death threats we’ll receive. First, we aren’t counting MBAs, JDs, and MDs, for the simple reason that we don’t consider those real graduate school degrees. There’s ample reason for anyone to go to one of these programs: Money; prestige; money; and also money. As such, lots of sexy females may very well head to, say, law school.
Second, we feel compeled to offer one slight wrinkle: Any attractive female PhD student is ineluctably married or seriously committed to a relationship upon entering her program. So, perhaps we should alter our claim to read “single girls go to graduate school because they’re ugly.” Ah, heck: We like the former locution better; it’s far more offensive.
Naturally, this begs the question: Why do guys get PhDs? If you ask us, the answer is clear: With all those ugly chicks around, they must enter graduate school because they’re stupid..."But there is hope. The cocktail is currently enjoying a renaissance. The sun has set on the era of the wine cooler and the decade of peach schnapps. Real drinks are back. This is our golden opportunity to pick up the torch we dropped and learn to drink like men, so that one day we might pass that knowledge to our sons..."
Casualties: The British lost 550 killed and wounded. The Americans lost around 1,000 killed, wounded and captured and 11 guns, 2 of which had been taken at Trenton. The Marquis de Lafayette, fighting with Sullivan, was among the wounded.
Follow-up: Brandywine is not considered a decisive battle. Nevertheless it hastened the loss of Philadelphia to the British on September 26, 1777. The British failed to exploit their success.
"...Powell was the last surviving member of that prolific, gifted generation of English writers who came out of Oxford in the mid-1920s. Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, Henry Green, John Betjeman, Cyril Connolly, Howard Acton, George Orwell and Powell himself were all born between 1903 and 1906, and all attended the university, with the exception of Orwell, who was a schoolboy at Eton with Powell, Acton and Connolly.
Members of an exceptionally witty and amusing group whose friendships and rivalries provided material for their books, they were undoubtedly among the brighter cliques of their century -- though not necessarily eternally relevant. And they certainly weren't the only game in town. It is Powell's ability to create a universal fiction out of the dynamics, interactions and interrelations of his own relatively narrow upper-class set that accounts for the breadth of the books' appeal..."
Prince William is joining the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals, following his brother, Prince Harry, into the unit, Clarence House announced Thursday. William, 24, will train to be a troop leader in an armored reconnaissance unit, just like his brother.
William is second in line to the throne behind his father, Prince Charles.
"The Modigliani exhibition reveals three important aspects of his work: how shocking his nudes are; the skill with which he produced portraits that were both generic Modigliani and portrayals of real people; and Modigliani's position as the first post-modernist.
Modigliani's naked women are erotic, designedly so, and have to be judged as such. No doubt sour feminists who prefer male gays to the male gaze will see them as pornographic precursors of Playboy centrefolds but quite frankly, who cares?
Actual individual women are not objects because they have free-will. Paintings and photographs of naked women are objects and they might as well be sex objects as any other kind. Most gifted painters are male and heterosexual and so, unless constrained by social convention, that is what they will tend to paint. Men and butch lesbians will see them as being simultaneously aesthetically and erotically inspiring but there is no reason to suppose that these are incompatible..."
Brought to you by: The Roman Catholic Boys for Art...A Good Wife's Plan